Is Fixing a Refrigerator Compressor Worth It? (Fridge Repairs)

Should you really replace or fix your broken fridge compressor? Is a fridge compressor replacement worth it? Should you just go ahead and buy a new fridge? When your fridge malfunctions you want to get it fixed as fast as possible. We’ll answer all your questions in this short and straight-to-the-point guide.

  1. What causes a refrigerator compressor to fail?
  2. What are the signs of a broken fridge compressor?
  3. Should a fridge compressor be hot to touch?
  4. Is it worth replacing a refrigerator compressor?
  5. Is buying a new fridge is better than replacing the compressor?
  6. How long should a refrigerator compressor last?
  7. The conclusion – refrigerator compressor replacements

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What causes a refrigerator compressor to fail?

This is the part we're talking about - the compressor - or at least its outer protective chassis.
This is the part we’re talking about – the compressor – or at least its outer protective chassis. | Photo:

What can cause a fridge compressor to fail? There are quite a few reasons why a compressor in your fridge might break.

One common reason is simply wear-and-tear. If your fridge served you for quite a few years already, there are higher chances of the compressor failing.

The other reasons why the compressor in your refrigerator might fail include:

  • Too much or too little refrigerant (or loss of refrigerant).
  • Power surges.
  • Broken / dirty / frozen coils.
  • Too much load for extended periods of time.

What are the signs of a broken fridge compressor?

In many cases your fridge will give you certain signals when your compressor will begin to fail.
In many cases your fridge will give you certain signals when your compressor will begin to fail. | Photo: zinkevych

So, what signifies a broken refrigerator compressor? Here are the most common bad fridge compressor symptoms:

  • Loud or unusual noises – can indicate problems with the compressor’s motor.
  • Unusual rattling or shaking of the compressor chassis.
  • Compressor relay turning on and off too frequently. / Fridge turning on and off too frequently.
  • Overheating of the compressor (the normal outside temperature of the compressor should be somewhere around 122-140°F / 50-60°C.

Should a fridge compressor be hot to touch?

A typical refrigerator compressor will be warm outside.
A typical refrigerator compressor will be warm outside. | Photo:

As we’ve mentioned the outside temperature of the compressor should be somewhere around 122-140°F / 50-60°C, and should never exceed 200°F. The electric motor running inside the compressor is designed for continuous work, but can fail due to overheat in extreme conditions.

Overheating compressor in your fridge might suffer from mechanical damage overtime, and it can often be fixed only by replacing it completely.

The compressor in your refrigerator should be warm, but not extremele hot to touch.

Is it worth replacing a refrigerator compressor?

Is replacing a fridge compressor worth it? - It depends!
Is replacing a fridge compressor worth it? – It depends! | Photo: Alex Qian

It all depends on whether or not the whole compressor is busted. If that’s the case the repairs (or rather, the replacement) might cost you quite a lot.

How hard is it to replace a fridge compressor? To replace a compressor in your refrigerator you’d have to:

  • Get a new, compatible compressor.
  • Have previous experience with welding and soldering.
  • Be able to take apart the old compressor.
  • Release the refrigerant from the system without letting it out into the atmosphere.
  • Own a nitrogen cylinder and welding tools.
  • Refill the new compressor with refrigerant (and be able to perform a leak test).
  • Adhere to all safety rules during the process.

In conclusion, replacing the compressor in a refrigerator is a very difficult process that requires specialistic tools and expert knowledge.

Don’t attempt to repair the compressor on your own if you don’t have any previous experience with such repairs. If you are in need of a compressor repair or want to know whether or not your compressor is repairable, contact your nearest appliance repairman service. Most of the time they will be able to give you an over-the-phone cost estimate of the repairs needed.

While simple fridge compressor repairs might certianly be worth it, getting a new compressor might just cost you around half the price of a new fridge depending on the particular fridge model. Again, it still depends on the extent of damage to your old compressor.

You also should check the price and availability of your new compatible compressor to make sure replacing it will actually be worth it in the end.

More on this topic here: How to Replace a Refrigerator Compressor –

Is buying a new fridge is better than replacing the compressor?

Should you buy a new fridge, or replace the broken compressor?
Should you buy a new fridge, or replace the broken compressor? | Photo: fabrikasimf

How much does it cost to replace a fridge compressor? Once again, it all depends on the extent of the damage. For example, damage to the pipes in the refrigerator and leaking of the refrigerant that may have caused the compressor failure are not easily reparable.

Those kind of repairs would have to involve fixing the leakage, evacuating and then recharging the system with new refrigerant. This process is costly, can take a lot of time and require additional purchase of both refrigerant and spare refrigerator parts.

So, should you replace the compressor, or get a new fridge?

  • If your compressor got damaged because of the refrigerant leakage, in most cases the repair will cost more than half the price of a new fridge.
  • If the only damaged part is your compressor you should ask a specialist / repairman for a repair price assessment. Then, decide if it’s worth it to get on with the repairs.
  • In the case the compressor requires only minor repairs, they can often be done by the repairman in one go (and in some rare cases you can even attempt them by yourself).
  • When it’s clear that your compressor needs replacement, the price will largely vary depending on your fridge model and the availability of the replacement parts.

If the repair costs exceed half the current price a new fridge, in most cases the repair is not worth it. Every case should be considered individually.

How long should a refrigerator compressor last?

A brand new compressor gan last even up to 10 years, assuming perfect use conditions.
A brand new compressor gan last even up to 10 years, assuming perfect use conditions. | Photo:

A well-maintained compressor in a new fridge can last even up to one decade (and in some cases more). The same goes with replacements, although you have to be careful here.

If your fridge is an older model (ex. over a decade old), while the compressor might work for another decade, other parts of your refrigerator can give out first.

As we’ve mentioned before, wear and tear damage to other refrigerator parts might induce strain on the compressor and thus make it break much faster.

In conclusion: a new, replaced compressor in an older fridge might not last as long as a brand new compressor in a newly bought refrigerator.

The conclusion – refrigerator compressor replacements

Fridge compressor replacement - is it even worth it?
Fridge compressor replacement – is it even worth it? | Photo: Max Vakhtbovych

So, Should You Repair or Replace Your Broken Refrigerator? As you see, it all depends on the extent of the damage and current prices of both the replacement parts and a brand new refrigerator.

If your compressor is broken and it only requires minor repairs, it might be actually beneficial to get it fixed. If however, your compressor is beyond repair, the replacement is most of the time difficult, time consuming and costly.

In that case, when you contact a specialist and confirm your compressor is beyond fixing, it might be a better idea to simply purchase a new refrigerator.

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